YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Foundation Review
Yves Saint Laurent is a brand that is synonymous with class and luxury in the fashion world but in my opinion their beauty products and makeup have yet to dazzle me in the same way a YSL gown can. There are a few exceptions though and that is their incomparable glossy lip stains, Rouge Pur Couture Vernis A Levres, their original Touche Eclat complexion highlighter, and the ever mysterious Opium perfume. But apart from those, I find YSL to usually be all show and no substance.
One example of how YSL has let me down is there new foundation called Le Teint Touche Eclat. This foundation is an off-shoot of the hugely popular Touche Eclat complexion highlighter which miraculously hides shadows and imperfections and illuminates the skin at every point it touches. Now although the highlighter is gorgeous at illuminating key points on your face, that doesn’t mean you’d shellac your whole face with the product, and that is exactly what the Teint Touche Eclat foundation is! It is basically the Touche Eclat highlighter in a bigger bottle.
The reason why this doesn’t work is that instead of illuminating key points on your face, you are now illuminating EVERYTHING, applying a glossy, shinny, coat of foundation all over which isn’t very attractive. I understand that having a glowing and dewy complexion is beautiful and sought after, but this foundation goes a little too far. You can tell that something is wrong just by the texture and consistency of the product before it even graces your skin.
Le Teint Touche Eclat is extremely oily and has so much oil in the product that the consistency is almost as thin as water which makes it difficult to apply and a real messy procedure. In addition, because of it’s greasy texture, the staying power of this foundation is almost non-existant and transfers so easily on scarfs, clothing, hands, hair, etc. You could help improve it’s staying power by using a setting powder but then that completely overrides the fact that it’s supposed to give a dewy complexion. Really, there is no effective way to use this product.
Now the oil quotient could be a good thing for someone with extremely dry skin (not flaky) as I’m sure it would add some moisture and illuminate your often chalky complexion. But again you’d have to make sure to use a setting powder and would therefore negate the illuminating properties. But regardless, for those with normal to combination/oily skin, I would not recommend this product.
It is really such a shame because the Touche Eclat highlighter is so exceptional. I guess there really is truth to having “too much of a good thing”!
Buy it now on Amazon here
The Perfume Expert Rating
Summary: This foundation is really too much of a good thing. Having a glowy, dewy, complexion is one thing. Looking like an oil slick on your face is another. Le Teint Touche Eclat is way too greasy, oily, and shiny. It's difficult to apply due to it's watery consistency and is messy as well. It has little staying power and transfers too easily. This product would only work for those with extremely dry skin (not flaky though) however, there are far better alternatives.