About the Perfume Expert

Lee-Ann the Perfume ExpertHello fellow beauty lover, my name is Lee-Ann and for as long as I can remember I have been a great admirer of all things beautiful. From a little girl, I have been fascinated with the scents and smells of the world around me, whether it was the flowers in the garden, the herbs in my food, the smells in the air on a family vacation, or the perfume collection of my beloved Nana. I experience the world and remember the past through scent and I love to create new experiences and memories for others by using the scentual world of fragrance. Because I live my life through scent I have developed a keen sense of smell along the way and I feel like I’m poised to share my knowledge and experience with you. As The Perfume Expert, I hope to inspire others to stop and smell the roses in life.

However, appreciating fragrance hasn’t been the only beautiful thing I have explored. As a teenager, I began to experiment with skincare as well. As with many young women out there, I suffered from severe acne and I tried EVERY acne product on the market. Soon after I developed sensitive reactive skin, kilaris pilaros, rosacea, and psoriasis; all of which I still have to monitor today. This began my inner quest for the perfect face cream and led me to a passion for skincare. Being a long-time sufferer of skin conditions, combined with constant experimentation with skincare lines, and my passionate quest for the perfect products for these ailments, has truly positioned me as an expert on skincare.

Now a days, my passion for breathtaking scents and high quality skin care has expanded to include other beauty products as well. Being a world traveller and spending my time between residences in the UK, Canada, and the U.S., I am privileged to see, smell, and try the latest beauty products from both Europe and North America, giving me the expertise to share with you the latest and best in the world. Whether that’s a new perfume in Paris, a cult skincare line from the UK, or a trendy new eye shadow from the US, I am always on the prowl for the most beautiful new products on the market. Still my focus has and always will be on exceptional quality, top-of-the-line ingredients, innovative technology, and impeccable standards in the beauty industry.

Because I have such high standards, I am a firm believer in “you get what you pay for”. Especially when you have pre-existing skin conditions. ThePerfumeExpert.com is a fragrance blog and beauty blog that features only the products and brands that I deem to be of this high standard. This means that most of the products featured on this site are high-end beauty products and may not be found at your local drug store but don’t worry because I’ll always point you in the right direction. Make no mistake, ThePerfumeExpert.com is not about a cheap fix, or beauty-on-a-dime routines, this site features tried and tested products that are of the upmost quality and innovation.

It is my purpose to share with you the latest and the greatest to inspire you to look and feel your best. Yes, true beauty, comes from the inside out; however, I believe that we must embrace and cherish ALL aspects of ourselves. Balance is key. And at times, nothing makes us feel more confident, sexy, beautiful, or special than a spritz of a dreamy perfume, a flick of the hair or a swish of a ruby red lipstick.

Join me ladies, in embracing the beauty that comes with being a woman, and while we’re on this journey don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!


The Perfume Expert


(The Perfume Expert Photograph by Nicole Herda Photography)

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